Our customers love creating sugar free sweets and confectionary with our products. Humans love sweetness and these products appeal to people who want to manage their weight and/or medical conditions without...
Our customers love creating sugar free sweets and confectionary with our products. Humans love sweetness and these products appeal to people who want to manage their weight and/or medical conditions without...
Natural sweeteners have been used as a sugar replacement for many years. Monk Fruit Extract and Monk Fruit Blend, Erythritol, Classic Blend and Premium Blend are all frequently used in...
Natural sweeteners have been popular in baked goods for decades now. Anything from cookies, cakes, pies and pastries can be made "sugar free" by using Erythritol or Erythritol based blends,...
Natural sweeteners are rapidly increasing in popularity not only with household consumers, but with food and beverage manufacturers. Especially we are seeing Stevia and Erythritol being used in "low sugar" beverages...
Calling Artificial Sweeteners Out After reading the WHO report on "non sugar sweeteners" where they somehow included Stevia (a plant) in a long list of artificial sweeteners, we should take...
What if I am totally new to all of this "sugar free" stuff?
The Glycemic Index (GI) is a measure of how much a food may increase blood sugar levels. It is commonly used by diabetics and people carefully managing how much sugar and carbohydrates they ingest. ...
Yes. All products carry Non-GMO Project Verified certification.
Our products have been tested and verified as gluten-free by Eurofins.
No. Currently we only supply natural products and avoid artificial or synthetic sweeteners and refined sugars.
Where possible we use Organic Stevia and Organic Monk Fruit, however due to flavourings and blends developed through fermentation we cannot claim "Organic" status.
Currently we use compostable thermoplastics like PLA PE. We are keeping our eyes on this space for alternatives that can print cleanly, able to stand on a shelf, and durable over time without flaking.
* PLA is a compostable thermoplastic derived from plant extracts like cornstarch or sugarcane and is carbon-neutral, edible and biodegradable
A diverse range of people use our products with the shared goal of reducing calorie intake. Common profiles include people on Keto diets, diabetics and pre-diabetics, weight conscious, post-bariatric care, or concerned partners/parents substituting refined sugars from the diet of their loved ones.